Shareholders' Meetings

2024 Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

Date: Monday, March 4, 2024

Time: 11:00 AM (CT) / 12:00 PM (ET)

Place: Avenida Gómez Morín 1111 Sur, Col. Carrizalejo San Pedro, Garza García, N.L., México

Published call notice is available at the following link.

Details regarding the registration procedure to attend the Shareholders’ Meeting are available at the following link.

Agenda and Supporting Documents

Below please find supporting information for each item included in the meeting:

Proposal to cancel 42,927,000 shares representing its share capital, derived from the share repurchase program held in its treasury, and consequently, effecting a reduction in the fixed portion of its share capital.

The proposal includes amendments to Articles 7, 13, 20, and 23 of the Company's bylaws aiming to align them with recent amendments to the Mexican General Law of Commercial Companies (Ley General de Sociedades Mercantiles) and Securities Market Law (Ley del Mercado de Valores) regarding:

  • Rules for holding shareholder meetings, sessions of administrative bodies, and auxiliary bodies of the board, whether held in person or through the use of electronic, optical or any other technology;

  • Publication of the call to shareholder meetings through a notice on the electronic system established by the Ministry of Economy;

  • Corporate books may be signed by either handwritten or electronic signature;

  • Removal of limits or percentages in the issuance of shares other than ordinary shares;

  • In capital increases, updating registration in the National Securities Registry after the issuance of shares; and

  • Enabling the Shareholders’ Meeting to delegate authority to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital and modify the rules regarding the subscription of corresponding shares, even excluding the right of preference.

  • Proposal to amend certain articles of the company’s bylaws to align them with recent amendments of various legal provisions (link.)
  • The proposed delegates are the Chairman of the Board and Secretary of the Board.

The shareholders present in the meeting will vote on the proposed minutes of the meeting, which in turn will be included in the Company’s corporate books.

Your vote is important. We encourage you to register early to attend the meeting or issue a proxy, as your vote is important for convening the meeting and considering resolutions on the agenda. We greatly appreciate your participation and your interest in Nemak.

2024 Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting

Date: Monday, March 4, 2024

Time: 11:15 AM (CT) / 12:15 PM (ET)

Place: Avenida Gómez Morín 1111 Sur, Col. Carrizalejo San Pedro, Garza García, N.L., México

Published call notice is available at the following link.

Details regarding the registration procedure to attend the Shareholders’ Meeting are available at the following link.

Agenda and Supporting Documents

Below please find supporting information for each item included in the meeting:

  • The proposal on the allocation of the fiscal year 2023 net result into retained earnings.
  • No cash dividend payments will be proposed.
  • The proposal of a maximum amount of Ps. 500 million (US$28.5 million) for share repurchases, maintaining the same amount approved in the previous year.

The below document describes the individuals to be appointed as members of the Board of Directors, including the Chairman of the Board and the Chair of the Audit and Corporate Practices Committee, with a description of their biographical information and experience, as well as their proposed compensation.

Board of Directors’ proposal

The proposed delegates are the Chairman of the Board and Secretary of the Board.

The shareholders present in the meeting will vote on the proposed minutes of the meeting, which in turn will be included in the Company’s corporate books.

Your vote is important. We encourage you to register early to attend the meeting or issue a proxy, as your vote is important for convening the meeting and considering resolutions on the agenda. We greatly appreciate your participation and your interest in Nemak.

About Nemak

Nemak is a leading provider of innovative lightweighting solutions for the global automotive industry, specializing in the development and manufacturing of aluminum components for e-mobility, structure & chassis, and ICE powertrain applications. In 2022, it generated revenue of US$4.7 billion. For more information about Nemak, visit